Our first long weekend here. It's also our first thanksgiving without any family other than our 5. But while we miss the big family meal, we are still having a nice turkey dinner. It'll be the first i make, so hoping for the best. On the menu will be Turkey, stuffing, maple glazed carrots, mashed sweet / regular potatoes, gravy, and rolls. For dessert, it will be pumpkin pie, and spice cake with sauce.
I'm of course very thankful to have my husband and my three beautiful girls to celebrate with. I'm also thankful to have this house in St. John's, and thankful that we get to experience this beautiful city for this year. I'm thankful every morning that i get to look out from my kitchen window at my view. And thankful every time we go shopping and I see the ocean (though Steph gets to see it daily). I'm thankful for the support that we have gotten from both sides of our family during our adventure out here. I know it must be tough on the girls' extended family to be so far away from them.
On other news.. thank you to my dad for identifying our mystery birds. But I don't know if we can keep up with their needs. Between the blue Jays, the Yellow-Shafted Flickers, and the starlings, they are emptying our feeder within a couple of hours of filling it!!! And on the days that it's empty, the birds line the deck railings and the lines (power, washing, etc) looking into the kitchen window. It's quite the sight.
The girls are excited for Halloween. Kat is going to be a princess (with LED sparkling dress). Ellie will be Dora (provided we can find a way to dress her warm enough while not hiding the costume). And we had bought Dani a Pooh Bear costume, but she didn't like it around her head, so instead she will be a pumpkin (same one that Ellie has worn the past 2 years). Not sure how many kids we can expect at this house, guess we will find out soon enough. We are planning on just doing our street, and maybe the street that joins the beginning and the end of our street (to make a full loop). And Kat has November 1st off school, so Steph is taking it off as well, so we can have a movie night after trick or treating.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)