Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dani's new thing

OMG.. My wee little baby is growing up.

Yup this is her yesterday.. Proud as proud can
be of sitting on the potty.. on her own potty. She never keeps her diaper on anymore, and chances are, if she goes missing for very long, she will come back with no diaper on. And she will just slide her pants back on with no diaper. So the potty came up over the weekend.

As of this morning, no pees on the potty, but no accidents either. So no good but no bad. This morning though. Little munchkin did her first pee on the potty!! And boy oh boy was she happy about it!!! :) And having her two sisters cheer for her, and hugs and kisses and praise from mommy is the best thing in the world. Who knows what this means in the long run. Is she ready to potty train? Is she just playing around, and got it right by accident? Is she really growing up this quickly? Guess only time will tell.

In the meantime, potty stays put, free access to it, and we will follow her lead. Of course having her out of diapers and potty trained would be fantastic, but after Ellie's long potty training ordeal, i'm not holding my breath at all.

The big question, will she be out of diapers during the day before she is sleeping through the night??? LOL ;)

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