Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February is almost done

Another month has flown by. Countdown to the next move has started. Pretty amazing.

Here.. The snow continues to fall, but we have had a few odd days.. One big rain storm that melted a bunch of the snow (and made our bathroom ceiling leak). A few days with plus temps. And can't blink for too long, another snow storm last weekend, which dumped a good 30 cm in less than 24 hours.

Kat had a fabulous birthday. Thanks to everyone who spoiled her. She truly appreciates it. ;) While we didn't get to go out to dinner - due to Kat being fearful of having a coughing fit at dinner, we still had a good dinner at home, and of course cake.

We have made the decision to definitely move back to Ottawa this summer. Several opportunities have come up - people just want Steph to work for them. He has people telling him that if he wants a job that they will find him one. Guess people like him. ;)

And just a few pics from Feb.

Click here for pics

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