Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good Bye Newfoundland!

We had a great time in St. John's and the rest of Newfoundland. It's a beautiful island, and I'm so happy that we had this past year to enjoy it. The girls will have wonderful memories of our adventure. I can see a visit in our future to come back and visit things that we didn't have time for, but even if we missed some, we couldn't have asked for a better trip. We got to enjoy an almost record breaking winter, a very wet spring, an almost hot summer (for a few weeks at least). We got to visit with ducks, and ducklings on a regular basis - and watch the ducklings grow from just eggs to full grown ducks. Kat finished Kindergarten and made a ton of friends at school. Kat and Ellie made wonderful friends on our street. We got to experience the friendliness and hospitality of Newfoundland - Steph will have to re-learn how to drive aggressively to fit in with Ottawa drivers. LOL

Over the past 36 hours our life has been moved from a house to a truck with just a few essential belongings with us. More than 400 items were put on the truck. Plus the car on another truck. I think it went very smoothly - no major issues, everyone pretty organized (even me in my scatterbrain moments). Once again, we seem to have lucked out with the truck. Predicted arrival date is the earliest date they said - well actually earlier than the earliest predicted date. We are suppose to get the keys to our new house on Friday the 29th in the afternoon. The driver says that he could be in Ottawa on Wednesday - ready to unpack on Thursday. Doubt that will happen, but hopefully we can get our keys on Thursday, so they can unpack on Friday. It's pretty amazing.. We were thinking the truck would arrive on the Friday, and unpacking on the Saturday, or even later. We are booked at the Albert at Bay until i believe the 3rd of September, but looks like we definitely won't need it that long. Hopefully our car follows suit and comes really quick as well.. It would be nice to find *normal* as quick as possible.

And as normal for this blog; PICTURES :)

After Day 2 of packing. Everything in the house is packed, almost everything is taken apart.

Dani's Room




Looking up to the main from the front door

Starting Day 3. Very late night the night before... very early morning. Yet, everyone was ready to go from the hotel and ready to watch the loaders do their job.

Dani and Ellie "Supervising" from the back deck

Truck is here and ready to load..

Bye Truck!!!

Bye Car!!!

One last walk to visit the ducks.. Bye Ducks!!

And now, we hang out in the hotel until tomorrow morning.. Kat, Ellie and Daddy enjoyed some time in the pool while Dani napped..

The Fish!! Went down the 80 ft slide 4 times!! Was "swimming" by herself in the deep end, was jumping from the edge of the pool.. Had a blast..

The land lover. LOL Can't see a career of being a life guard in her future. ;)

We have had supper (very yummy pizza), and are trying to pour a bath (where's the hot water?!?!), and then heading to bed. Another fairly early morning tomorrow with having to be at the airport by 9am, so leaving here by 830ish.

I would like to introduce you to "the gang" of Bellevue Cres.

Top (from left to right) : Riley, Emma, and Kate.
Bottom (from left to right) : Emma, Kat, Luke, Keira, Ellie and Sarah.

That's the main gang.. Missing is Riley and Keira's little sister Hannah, and of course Dani. There were four more kids on the street (Kate and Luke's neighbour James and Jacob, but they didn't play much with the gang; Gabe - Kat's bus friend and his sister Stephanie, but they were gone for a good portion of the summer).

Kat and Ellie will miss them all quite a bit. We have all of their "snail mail" addresses, as well as a few email addresses. And i'm sure we will try to keep in touch with them as penpals.

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