Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A full house!

This will be a short blog since it was mainly a day focusing around one thing - a big truck and a lot of boxes. The truck was sitting in front of our house when we got there a few minutes before 8:30am. While the 3 girls and I watched, and Steph played Bingo with the numbers on the items as they brought them in, the 3 movers moved all our stuff in.. over 200 items brought in, and several things assembled in less than 3 hours. It was really amazing seeing them work.

So by noon our house was filled. Each room had stuff in it.. some rooms were overflowing, others had only a few boxes. Only one thing (so far) was damaged - our mattress has some water get into the plastic covering - how who knows, but it might mean a brand new mattress for us (bonus!!).

After they left, we got to get our kitties from the airport! Missed them! And they seemed alright despite being at the airport at 630am Ottawa time. Got them back to the house and set up in the laundry room. Azzie was more than happy to be out of the carrier and getting loved on by us. He is probably sad at the house all alone, but at least this is the last night at the hotel! :)

We got a few boxes unpacked.. got Kat and Ellie's beds made.. But with the unpackers coming tomorrow morning, we just worked on the clothes and such.

So tomorrow... the unpackers come.. the satellite installer comes.. the maintenance guy comes to hook up washer & dryer and to check other electronics. And Kat starts school!!!! :) :) It will be a weird first day of school picture with her heading to school from the hotel, but oh well, unique circumstances call for a unique picture. ;)

That's it for today!! I cannot wait to find my battery charger and get a ton of pictures on here!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you guys. Wondering how things were going. Continued good luck. I can't wait to see all of the pictures of the journey.

I hope Kat got off to a good start at school today.