Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wild Kingdom

A blog all about the animals..

Let's start with the family pets. Inka, well Inka is her regular self. Steph and I see her after the girls go to bed. Sometimes we will see her sneak downstairs, avoiding the girls at all costs. Sometimes she will forget, and let the girls *gasp* get close to her.

Azzie, now he has a whole other story to tell. Something happened between the time that he left in my parents car, and when he arrived here. He is still the loving, social, needy cat, but something is different, and yesterday, we found out what. He is Brave! He ventured OUTSIDE! In the late afternoon while i make dinner, i leave the kitchen door to the deck open. The girls are free to play out there, stay inside, or make laps from the livingroom to the deck and back again. They love it. While i was watching them, Azzie went up to the door. This is something that he has done before. He will sniff the outside air, but will quickly head back inside again. So i thought nothing of it, until he slowly crept out the door. Okay, fine. He got to the end of the door, got spooked and bolted back inside. I thought for sure it was the end of that, and went to make dinner.
Several minutes later, Steph went out to make sure all the light toys were in, and lookie lookie who was coming up the stairs!!! *gasp* he had gone outside without us seeing and gone to the bottom of the stairs.

Tonight, i tried to keep a close eye on him while the door was open - and how could i not open the door - it was a beautiful 18C out there!! Didn't see him go out, but thought for sure i had missed him, but he came out of our room when Steph got home. I didn't think much of when he went on the deck a little later.. Thinking, he may be brave, but he's not that brave. We would keep an eye on him while he explored the deck and stairs. Well the little bugger not only went to the bottom of the stairs, but he got off, wandered around the bottom of the stairs and then headed through our back yard. We tried to coax him back, but fearing he wouldn't come back, and with Dani and Kat freaking out at him from the deck, i went out to get him. He had left our property and was in the neighbour behind us smelly their fence. Geez.. just what we need, a brave cat. It was better when he was fearful of the outside. ;)

Azzie's Adventure Pics

So now you are asking yourself.. what other animals could i possibly talk about? Did we make a trip to the ocean and see wildlife there? Nope. These next animals live just two streets down from us. A very easy walk through the park on beautiful pathways.
But i think i'll let the pictures do the talking, so take a look at these!

Our Local Gang

And now since it's almost 11pm local time, i am heading to bed, and will write about our local gang tomorrow. LOL

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