Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a quickie

Everyone here seems to be getting over the cold.. so you know what that means, it's mommy's turn. I've had the starting symptoms for the past day or so, so guess that means i'll be hit hard soon enough.

Dani is going for naps and going to bed without a single tear. (yah) and she hasn't asked for
"num nums" in 5 days now (during the day that is). She just "asks" for her cuddles with mommy, and will quickly find a comfy spot and fall right to sleep on me. so sweet! :)

Kat has school pictures today. We have ordered the biggest package, so i'm sure there will be plenty of pictures there for the family.

One thing i am having the most trouble getting use to over here is the time change in relation to the tv shows. For instance : Prime Time shows start here at 9:30 pm. So last night's survivor starts at 930, and with my being exhausted (due to the cold starting), i wasn't even able to watch the end. geez.. and forget about the normal 9pm shows.. they start at 1030! Guess we either have to get a PVR or i'll have to start downloading the shows so i can continue to enjoy my favourites. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Babe
What did you expect with the colds, that is the way kids give it back to the parents and that is natures' way while the Mommy is down give it to her good...
Dad started his cold two days into school and I have been fighting it off with fruit and vtm C pills. I will also email you but we should set up a skype time today or tomorrow.
Loves ya and keep the blogs coming