I can only wish that i trusted my battery for my camera enough to download the pictures from it, because there are probably some great pictures on there, but since our stuff is arriving tomorrow, i guess by Thursday night, this blog will be filled with pictures.
Our day started out pretty normally.. well at least normal for us these days. The girls slept in a bit. After everyone was up and went through the typical battle to get everyone dressed, we headed out. Kat was cranky, so after we picked up Tim's for breakfast, Steph and I decided to take a little detour from our plans.. Instead of doing the mall thing, we headed out of the city for a change of scenery. We head along the coast in Torbay, and then headed to Middle Cove beach. We brought all three girls to the Ocean! I was 27 years old when i saw the ocean for the first time. The girls are very lucky that they were 5, 3, and 1 when they saw the ocean for the first time.
They loved it! That's the easiest way to describe it. They loved it. We stood there, stared out at the vastness, we threw rocks, we searched for pretty rocks, and of course we took pictures. Kat found a tiny starfish that i guess had washed up on shore. We saw 2 jelly fish close to the edge, and one washed up, so Steph got to help it back into the ocean. (which is difficult when you don't want to actually *touch* the jelly fish.).
Both girls got to touch the water, but i think Dani won in that field since the tide rose all of a sudden when she was sitting on the rocks, so she got waist deep in the water. LOL She took it all in stride, and luckily we had clothes in the car that i could change her into. Kat and Ellie got up to the calves wet, and although cold, both loved it, and went back again and again. Ellie of course was testing her limits and seeing how far she could go in. So her pants ended up quite wet on the bottom even though she had rolled them up to her knees.
After that, we headed back to the hotel to get changed, and then almost immediately headed back out. Our intention was to head straight to Kat's school and get her enrolled, but got a call on the way from the Rogers guy, so headed to our house instead. Wandered from room to room figuring out our colour scheme. Got our internet connected - found out the previous renters had taken liberty with the cable and split it in 6 cables. Lawn maintenance guy came by while we were there, and since we haven't officially taken possession, he went ahead and cut the lawn for us. (yah!)
Finally headed out to Kat's school. Got her enrolled, met her teacher, saw her classroom, had the usual comments about Ellie, etc. Her teacher is very nice, and he is looking forward to working with her since she already has a year under her belt (he feels that she will be ahead of several of the students in some depts). She starts school Thursday morning - she was in the afternoon class, but he switched her to the afternoon after clearing it with us so the classes would be completely even with the girl/boy ratio - 6 to 6!! wow!! Much better than the 5 girls to 11 boys that Kat had last year. So 12 kids in her class with 1 teacher and 1 teachers aide, and the classroom is huge with lots of activities to do. She is definitely looking forward to it! :)
We headed to the mall, and were quite surprised that it was SOOO busy there! Like line up busy. After searching the lot for a spot for about 10 minutes, we gave up (we give up easily in those situations), and headed to a McD's for lunch. And then headed to Zellers to pick up some essential kitty supplies before our kitties arrive tomorrow night (thanks again Mom & Dad).
After such a busy day, we headed back to the hotel for a rest, but saw that nobody was in the pool, so a quick change of clothes, and we headed to the pool. Kat is still very uncomfortable in the pool, so while we thought she would eventually warm up, this is the second time in there, and she still hasn't gotten her shoulders wet. Ellie is becoming braver! She is learning to hold her breath and her nose and go under water for split seconds! And of course our little fish, Dani, is happy in any amount of water. Both me and Steph went down the waterslide today. We didn't give Ellie enough credit yesterday.. that slide is fast, and it gets pitch black at one point in there! but it's fun!
And now, Supper is done, kids are relaxing (Kat, Ellie, and Daddy are playing the Xbox.. Dani is listening to the Backyardigans on tv while she plays with a t-shirt and ziploc bag).
Tomorrow shall be busy. Stuff will be arriving between 830 and 9am, and it will probably take all day to unload the truck and get the stuff assembled. Wish us luck that everything was well taken care of.
1 comment:
Hi Sweetheart
Sounds like quite a day for all of you. That is great that your stuff is arriving tomorrow. You might have to wash the kitties since they will be in that cage from 5:45 am to 18:53 pm with only a towel and shredded newspaper. Quit a system....
Take care and will be anxious to hear tomorrow's adventure.
Loves ya guys, hugs and kisses to all
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