Monday, September 10, 2007

Slowly getting there

After a busy day yesterday shopping, we are taking it pretty easy today. It's amazing how much you can spend when you first move into a new place - between food, cleaners, drapes, etc, it certainly adds up, and we are constantly remembering things that we should get, or things that would make organizing a new place easier (and trust me, with three young girls, and a ton of clothes, and a ton of toys, any organization is a wonderful thing).

Kat started her first full week of school today. She impressed her teacher by already knowing the "Bonjour, mes amis" song that he was teaching today. And of course our enthusiastic little girl was singing louder than the rest of the class. ;)

We are making progress in each of the rooms. This afternoon we have been working on the girls' playroom. All the cardboard boxes have been unpacked. The new Ikea storage shelves have been built. The toys are slowly getting sorted, but it seems the girls want to play with each of the toys before they get sorted and put away - who would have guessed. ;) So after we got the boxes unpacked, we let the girls just play - why work all day, right. Steph and I can always sort while the girls sleep.

No word yet on the whereabouts on our car. We kept our rental for another day, but taking it back tonight.

Of course more pictures will be loaded soon. I just need to sit down with the computer after the girls go to bed, and just upload a ton of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the last picture it should say "and now there are three" .
I thought the car would be towed by the moving truck.....Love you and miss you and the girls.